A selection of my music:
Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement
My own guitar arrangement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata (1st Movement). I played this on an acoustic guitar while at home during Covid lockdown in 2020. I have notated this (and other tunes) in staff notation and tab, including suggested fingering, and it is available to purchase for £5. Contact me at dtainio@gmail.com if you would like to buy the sheet music.
Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement
Ashokan Farewell
Ashokan Farewell by Jay Ungar, arranged & performed by Triage in 2016. This track is on Triage's first CD 'Triage', available for £10 including postage, and a sheet music arrangement of my guitar part is also available in tab and staff notation with my suggested fingering for £5. Both can be obtained from me at dtainio@gmail.com
Ashokan Farewell
Two Fingered Archer
The title track of Triage's second CD 'Two Fingered Archer' by Malcolm Peet & Dean Tainio, performed by Triage at the 'Famous Gold Watch Studios' in Berlin in 2017. The studios are run by my exceptionally talented brother Cameron Laing, who recorded and produced this CD, as well as this video. The CD is available for £10 from me at dtainio@gmail.com
Two Fingered Archer
It's a Long Long Way
Seasick Steve's 'It's a Long Long Way' performed by Border Crossing. The video was created by Sue Swansborough. This track is on Border Crossing's 2016 CD 'Rare Gems' featuring Sean Houlihan on banjo, which is available for £10 including postage from me at dtainio@gmail.com
It's a Long Long Way
Callin' Doon the Line
Callin' Doon the Line, written by Alan Brydon, performed by Border Crossing. The video was created by Sue Swansborough. This track features Sean Houlihan on melodeon and is on our 2016 CD 'Rare Gems', available for £10 including postage from me at dtainio@gmail.com
Callin' Doon the Line
Dimming of the Day
Richard Thompson's beautiful love song, arranged and performed by Triage. This track features Kevin Henty on lead vocal with me on backing vocals. This track is on Triage's first CD 'Triage', available for £10 including postage from me at dtainio@gmail.com
Dimming of the Day
The Stream
Me playing one of my own compositions late one evening during Covid lockdown. Recorded on my phone, so sorry about the poor quality, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. If you like this, I have tabbed and notated it with suggested fingering, and the sheet music is available to purchase for £5 from me at dtainio@gmail.com
The Stream
The Stream Sheet Music
The Stream was composed and arranged by me for classical or acoustic guitar. This is a sample showing the first page of the sheet music which I have arranged in both tab and staff notation, including the fingering I use when performing it. The complete sheet music is available to purchase for £5 from me at dtainio@gmail.com
The Stream
Sheet Music
Ashokan Farewell Sheet Music
My arrangement of Jay Ungar's famous tune, for classical or acoustic guitar. This is a sample showing the first page of the sheet music in both tab and staff notation, including my recommended fingering. The complete sheet music is available to purchase for £5 from me at dtainio@gmail.com
Ashokan Farewell
Sheet Music
Moonlight Sonata Sheet Music
My arrangement of Beethoven's haunting 1st movement of his 'Moonlight' Sonata, for classical or acoustic guitar. This is a sample showing the first page of the sheet music in both tab and staff notation, including my recommended fingering. The complete sheet music, in either staff notation, guitar tab, or both (as shown here) is available to purchase for £5 from me at dtainio@gmail.com
Moonlight Sonata
Sheet Music